Saftey Programme and Quiz

In order to operate the exciting machines in the digital fabrications labs every student needs to go through a safety program and are required to pass a safety quiz. Here in this page I will be going through what I have learnt in the safety programme and my safety quiz results!

FabLab Safety Program

On the first week of lessons in FabLab every student is required to go through a safety course in order to mitigate or reduce the hazards that every student may face in the workshops. In this programme we learn what attire should be worn, how your workshop should be kept, what to do in an event of different emergency senarios and lastly the relavant hotlines that should be contacted during emergencies.

Fablab Safety Quiz

Above is an image of my quiz results, in this safety quiz we are tested based on the saftey practices we should follow when we are in are the FabLab workshops. In this quiz, a score of 90% is needed to pass this quiz. Out of 5 tries I managed to pass on my last attempt! Whew!!

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